Your Expert Guide in
Coworking, Flex Space and Software Developmentt



When your coworking space needs a seamless flow.

Enhance the functionality of your space with our process automation services. We’ll evaluate your current operations, suggest improvements, and implement systems designed to streamline your workflow. By optimizing layouts and refining processes, we help you create an environment that’s not just a place to work, but a place where work flows naturally.

Precision Software

When your ambition needs the right tools.

We take your vision and turn it into software that works just as hard as you do. Our development is focused on delivering applications that are not only effective but also intuitive to use, ensuring your business stays ahead.


My Work

Developing Practical Software for Workspaces

Building tools for today’s coworking needs.
In the last two years, I’ve worked with Orangery Coworking to create, a software that simplifies the management of coworking spaces. My team and I focused on practicality, ensuring that every feature adds real value.

Software Improvement for Business Efficiency

I also extend my expertise to companies, including Amitego among others, to help elevate their software systems. My method is to evaluate their existing setup, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and apply updates that make a measurable difference. It’s about ensuring that the software not only meets the current needs but also facilitates seamless daily operations.